You and I are not called to redeem the world by atoning for its sin; we are called to take the next right and obedient step as a follower of Christ and proclaim and demonstrate the victory we have in Christ. That is what is divine about our new nature in Christ! You can make the decision to obey just like you did when you played Simon Says.
The Necessity of Accountability
Are you a mature believer?
People are always spouting off their reasons why they can’t submit to the word of God. They express their caveats, saying, “The word of God can’t have total authority in my life because I’m a democrat/republican/libertarian/this/that first.” In this post Pastor Sam Miles responds by addressing who we really are, who we have been made to be…in spite of all our excuses.
The Way of Holiness
The world can never have peace in their lives until they have peace with God through salvation. The scripture is not giving us a suggestion to seek peace with “some men”, but rather with “all men”. I was making excuses based on my situations, but the scripture was crashing into my world because I was not sharing my peace—Jesus—with all men. I was saved, but I was afraid to declare Jesus, as it would separate me from the world.
Am I fit to lead?
Making Missionaries of Millennials pt. 3
For 2,000 years, growing Christians have been looking to Timothy as a model for what their own personal faithfulness should look like. His testimony is particularly significant to young people because of his age as well as the manner in which his spiritual growth is displayed. We see the pattern of his life from one faith proposition to another, growing from a spiritual child to a developed pastor and leader at a young age.
Making Missionaries of Millennials pt. 2
For young adults, it is important to recognize the challenges the age with the intent that we choose to pursue the great commission regardless of culture’s obstacles. While notions about your generation may be pervasive, it is important to recognize that the Christian isn’t obligated to be in bondage to them. Because of biblical truth, the millennial Christian can live without being controlled by other people's thoughts.
Making Missionaries of Millennials pt. 1
The Black Hebrew Israelites
Surviving Disappointment
What is Baptism, Really?
We're On a Mission from God
Every year, members of our family from OHBC attend Mission Focus here in Kansas City. OHBC also hosts a missions conference every year called Go Conference. Together these conferences signify the gravity of the Great Commission and the heart of the LFF pastors to pray, prepare, give and go. Joe takes some time here to share with us why Mission Focus is important and strategic in our personal lives.
Staying on Point
What Makes a Good Biblical Counselor?
With “Christian” counseling methodologies ranging from contemplative prayer to splankna, the bible and bible principles have been ignored and distorted in a way that should be both disappointing and convicting to the disciple of Christ. In this blog post Pastor Troy Stogsdill discusses what it takes to be a true biblical counselor.
Neglecting the Spirit
God's Choice of a Leader
While leadership guru John Maxwell is known for saying, “Everything rises and falls on leadership,” after spending time in the Book it’s obvious where this profound statement came from – the living words of God. Nearly every page in the Bible underscores the significance of leadership. This post seeks to underscore a few key things that God is looking for in a leader.
Let's be clear what we are against
In this article Pastor Shelby responds to this last weeks events in Charlottesville with a call to Christian sanity. More specifically he wrote this essay that we might recognize wickedness disguised as the “defense of values”. Most importantly this article is a call for Christians to abandon the divisive work of political banter and remember their first love, advancing the mission of God
The Leader's Right Hand
C&YA pastor Brandon Briscoe, recently preached a series of messages on discipleship. In the midst of these studies he has also been studying 1 & 2 Samuel, leading him to question what it means to surround oneself with leaders who prioritize faith over achievement. The contrast in the character between David's friend Jonathan and David's comrade Joab led him to write the following blog post.
The Heart of the Discipleship Refresher
I am passionate about one-on-one discipleship because it pointed me to follow Jesus and not my pastor. I am passionate about discipleship because I had some deep-rooted beliefs that were challenged and corrected through the word of God. I am passionate about discipleship because it directed me to see the freedom in submitting to the authority of scripture… not just believing what the bible said, but also submitting to its truths. I am passionate about discipleship because I have seen many lives changed because of it.
Things I wish I had a greater respect for in my twenties.
Over the years the Lord has been gracious to mature me to a place where I can recognize the things I struggled to understand as a young man. Wisdom isn't limited by age but by your willingness to obey God's Word and be sensitive to the work of his Spirit. I pray all of the young people in our church learn to recognize their own spiritual blind spots and weaknesses and pray God lead them to mortify those things in light of his leading.