Save the date - Dec. 5-7, 2024 in Nashville, TN
The WedStrong Conference is the annual biblical marriage conference of the Living Faith Fellowship.
Strengthen your relationship with Christ and your spouse. Join us on Dec. 5th - 7th for preaching and fellowship as well as free time in Nashville.
Joe McKaig | Troy Stogdsdill | Corey Gordon | Sherry Trotter | Justin Trotter
Thursday, Dec 5th:
Check-in: 4pm CST
Couples Game/Worship/Session 1: 7pm-9pm CST
FRIDAY, Dec 6th:
Worship/Sessions 2 & 3: 9am-12pm CST
(Enjoy the rest of the day with your spouse!)
Saturday, DeC 7th:
Worship/Sessions 4 & 5: 9am-12pm CST
Registration is $365 per couple,
which includes a 2-night stay at the
hotel, parking, and all sessions.
WEDSTRONG Conference
600 Marriott Drive
Nashville, TN 37214
“The answer to marriage isn’t found in us laboring to build it, but surrendering ourselves to the Divine Architect’s blueprint for what is required for Him to build our homes and our marriages. ”